Just made 1.1$ off leverage trading. Ask me anything now.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Just made 1.1$ off leverage trading. Ask me anything now.

Yes, I did the thing that everyone here in this sub is afraid of. I did the thing that no one else could. I went 25x into a certain coin and made an enormous 1.1$ profit. Now I can finally add professional leverage trader to my resume and apply for a job at some bug bank then go to a government organization, from there I will start my political career and in a few months be senator, after that I will make a crypto legal tender law as it should be and try do pass it.

Sounds good right?

But no joke had some amazing timing. Selling 3min before the dumb and making that profit. Oh leverage really is the safest thing ever.

But don't worry I will obviously remember you all after becoming president.

submitted by /u/partymsl
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