Move your Bitcoins and your Alt coins to your private wallets. Exchanges run fractional reserves and lend out your coins to place shorts.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Move your Bitcoins and your Alt coins to your private wallets. Exchanges run fractional reserves and lend out your coins to place shorts.

Anyone follows GME and AMC saga with Citadel / DTCC are red pilling lot of new and old investors. Synthetic and fake shares to screw the retail investors. They have all the data and knows where you guys are investing, then short it. Fractional reserves where they lend out your shares to big whales for 0.1% interest rate to fuck you.

Crypto exchanges are doing the same but at bigger scale. No regulations. Wild wild west. I know we have a movement that we move coins out of exchanges at a date every year but why not now? We are at a historic low of Bitcoin supply on exchanges, why not bump that up a little more? Why not force crypto exchanges to show they actually have that liquidity?

In the US, we have 6.8% inflation in Nov 2021. Wholesale prices went up 9.6%. I call BS. It went way higher. Fiat printing at rapid rate and chasing fewer goods…. yet fixed rate of 21 million Bitcoin prices tanking? I call BS. They use your coins to short the market to tank the price. F them.

submitted by /u/spankmyhairyasss
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