Sorbet Finance Smart Contract Exploit — If you interacted with Sorbet Finance (G-UNI, an ERC20 wrapper on Uniswap V3 Position), your funds might be at risk. Please go to Sorbet Finance to revoke token approval now
Hi guys,
A vulnerability was discovered in the Router contract that Sorbet Finance UI uses to help enter and exit G-UNI pools. Funds vulnerable at the time we discovered the issue was whitehat hacked into a secure location. However, now the attack is known and some wallets still have this vulnerable contract approved to spend tokens.
To ensure your own safety, ALL G-UNI USERS SHOULD REVOKE ANY TOKEN APPROVALS for wallets that have interacted with Sorbet Finance .
Please help us spread the word 🙏
More info: Gelato’s official Twitter announcement
submitted by /u/jungongsh
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