Expert Brian Brooks: Crypto Leader Video
This is a 50 minute video that clears up so many misconceptions about crypto. Brian Brooks is my new favorite leader of crypto after his work last week getting drilled on Capitol Hill. This is from way back last month, November, but couldn't be more timely. Further, he tries so hard not to play favorites with any coins but in one of his last comments on ten years from now: "….on the Ethereum network."
- My favorite part was how he doesn't like the nomenclature of cryptoCURRENCY since we all know 'currency' is only a part of it
- How you have to start every conversation first with people pushing back on 'how it isn't fraud'
- How Brooks, when talking about 'how much energy' crypto uses he said, "what is the baseline? JP Morgan uses more than all of Bitcoin." (Apropos how he chose JP Morgan too, brilliant.)
- How the Solar Farms in Palm Springs/Palm Desert don't store all that solar power that goes unused and how setting up a Bitcoin Mining operation there would make sense. Actually use the renewable energy that is currently being wasted.
submitted by /u/havoknkaos55
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