Why Ethereum and other cryptos are ACTUALLY declining.

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Why Ethereum and other cryptos are ACTUALLY declining.

Hey guys,

I'm not a financial expert, a trading expert, nor am I a crypto expert. I'm simply an average guy with a little bit of common sense. I partly want to put everyone at ease who might be worried about the current trends in crypto right now as well as add in a healthy dose of reality.

Ethereum and other cryptos are simply down right now as a result of the global and US economy being in a bear market. We don't see this as obviously in the stock market because of the bubble and the continued faith in the US economy to eventually recover. There were many warnings before the economic crash in 1929, along with many bouts of bad news. In spite of this, the market continued to climb until the climactic results of Black Monday and Black Tuesday. I would posit that crypto, due to it's volatile nature and 24/7 market availability, is much more in tune with the current state of the global and US economies because the majority of investors are average people like us.

I think many underestimate the power of the individual investor, even now as they did during the GME fiasco earlier this year. If you pay attention to news reports lately, things are not looking up. There is a TON of uncertainty in the market currently, and cryptocurrencies are reflecting this 10 fold. Crypto might be immune to Trump's bombastic behavior or OPEC price gouging, but it is not immune to public uncertainty. I'm sure many of you, like me, feel a bit uncertain about what might be coming. To those of you who are nervous, take heart. To those of you who continue to be bullish and would label a post like this as FUD, take your head out of the clouds and look around you.

The current state of the economy is simple: we have rising inflation rates, rising wages that are falling short of this inflation, companies taking higher and higher profits from increasing their prices while blaming inflation, unfavorable news concerning Russia, China and much of the EU and Australia, we overall have a concern about the global state of affairs. The US economy is almost always a driving force in the global economy. When things are uncertain in the US, everyone gets nervous.

The reason these cryptocurrencies are falling therefore is simple: Everyone's nervous. Some of you might be living the dream right now, having made it off of cryptocurrencies early on, with your lambo's and high rise penthouse apartments. Others, like myself, are normal working people hoping to find a safe haven for our money and increase our wealth. Since the money printer has stopped and after JPow's announcement that he is "hawkish" on the state of the economy, people are simply anxious.

Now, I'll attempt to provide you all with the hope we all need in uncertain times. America is the greatest country in the world. Every bear market we have ever seen, has never lasted more than 1.3 years. On average a bear market only lasts 9 months! A bull market is always on the horizon, like the beautiful sunrise on a beach. It isn't just America however, the global economy ALWAYS recovers, and it WILL be within your lifetime.

So take heart friends, and know that crypto's volatility only signals the early part of change in the markets. As we all wait on the edge of our gaming chairs in anticipation of the announcements this week, know that, no matter what the announcements or predictions might be, stonks only go up. Crypto, only goes up. We are all chasing financial freedom because we BELIEVE in what crypto can offer the common man, in the same way that American immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries believed that America offered a better life for themselves and their families. America was the shining city on a hill for these immigrants. Crypto, is the shining city on a hill for the modern man. We are the future, we are the innovators, we ARE the American dream!

submitted by /u/Lenwulf
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