NFTs: From CEO testimony. “Where are we going?”
I thought Alesia Haas (CEO Coinbase) did an excellent job in being a 'witness' on Capitol Hill last week. At one point she was discussing how much broader NFTs are than most in the general public understand. NFTs, go way past 'digital art' or Snoop Dogg buying some digital tennies. Can the previous generation on here, help an older generation member like me explain where NFTs are going? How 'in-app' purchases inside gaming where you can own a certain 'weapon' (via NFT) and then sell it and make money by trading it (in-app/in-game) etc? Essentially new little 'micro/macro economies' being built based on NFTs and the ETHereum Network inside (still being built) DAPPS? Thanks EFT community (there is a reason I have setup shop over here.)
Starting point: Alesia Hass testimony. Crypto: "The Internet of Value"
submitted by /u/havoknkaos55
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