Tether adopted as an official currency by Myanmar(Burma) government in exile to fight against military dictatorship

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Tether adopted as an official currency by Myanmar(Burma) government in exile to fight against military dictatorship

Tether adopted as an official currency by Myanmar(Burma) government in exile to fight against military dictatorship

TLDR : Myanmar(Burma) government in exile recognised Tether as an official currency to fight against Military Dictatorship

Backstory : There was a coup in Myanmar(Burma) in February 2021. 99 percent of the national loathes the military. As of now there are two governments

  1. The military regime (Holding power)
  2. The exiled government (won the 2021 election, the cabinet members location unknown but rumoured to be in Thailand,Germany,US)
    Daily Fights going on – guerrilla warfare, daily protests, civil strike, tons of atrocities committed by the regime
    To read about the coup

Since the Military is in control, the junta has tight control over the banks and the internet. Everything is traceable so the government in exile has announced the news today to encourage people to start using USDT instead of the current official Myanmar Currency (KYAT).
Link to the announcement

Translation of the official announcement below.

Republic of the union of Myanmar

National Unity Government

Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment

Order Note (4/2021)

[Burmese calendar] 1383 years, 8th Nat Daw Month

2021, December 11

[Title] USD Tether (USDT) officially recognised for usage within the nation

1. In order to improve and accelerate the current trading and financial services, the following digital currency, a stable coin, now has been officially recognised for usage within the nation.

– USD Tether(USDT)

2. Thus declaring the order note (9/2020) released by the central bank of Myanmar as invalid.[Central bank is controlled by the military regime]

Tin Htun Naing
Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment

The official Announcement In Burmese Language

Edit : Grammar, Translation, Spacing

submitted by /u/psthedev
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