Crypto CEOs on CSPAN Yesterday: ETH Community Take

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Crypto CEOs on CSPAN Yesterday: ETH Community Take

CSPAN yesterday and the ETH hodler's take on it.

First of all, this is the first time (56 M) I have ever watched CSPAN. It was riveting and over 4 hours. I do hope this amazing group of 'witnesses' went out for beverages after this hearing. They did a great job. Cheers to the entire world, not just the USA.

Jeremy Allaire, CEO, Circle
– Eloquent. There is a reason Brian/Jeremy got a majority of the questions.

Favorite Moment:

Every one of his answers.

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO, FTX

– Not as 'polished' but the genius in the room

Favorite Moment:

"I look forward to your question from left field."

Brian Brooks, CEO, Bitfury
– Incredible speaker. Loved his examples and how one came down to one word: 'Parity'

Favorite Moment:

Explaining how he just got back from Dubai and how easy it is to business with them with crypto and Americans are moving there.

Chad Cascarilla, CEO, Paxos

– Well spoken, succinct

Favorite Moment:

How he explained banked and underserved.

Denelle Dixon, CEO, Stellar Development Foundation

Great answers and intro

Favorite Moment:

Her gestures were fascinating as he explained her points succinctly

Alesia Haas, CEO, Coinbase Inc. and CFO, Coinbase Global Inc.

– Great answers on everything (for the record I am a COIN shareholder because of people like Alesia (notorious #2) and Brian (#1)

Favorite Moment:

Her describing the onboarding process and risk mitigation when they list an asset

Overall Lowlights and Highlights. (I live in Minneapolis in the most Liberal area.)


Both Representatives from California (D) Embarassing


Both Representatives from Texas (R) – both had a 'how can we help you' attitude.

submitted by /u/havoknkaos55
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