The game I have been working on :) (Influence – Space Strategy MMO built on Ethereum)
Hey friends đŸ™‚ I wanted to share with this community that has supported me for the last 5 years when I first got into Eth, and since then have even started a career within this new and exciting world of blockchain. So drum roll please…! Introducing INFLUENCE. *crowd roars* (at least in my head)
Influence is a space strategy MMO built on the Ethereum blockchain.
The game will take players to the depths of space where a group of explorers, in a last-ditch effort to survive their journey in space, ends up within Adalia’s star system. Upon arrival, they will have to use their ingenuity to mine and manufacture to support their new lives within the system. Players will have diverse resources, technologies, and skills to help them achieve the playstyle they want. From owning giant mining corporations to building fleets of warships as hired guns and protectors, players will be able to dive deeply wherever their interests lie.
Arrival Release (April 2021): With the Arrival Launch coming in April, players will be able to immerse themselves into Influence’s world and around the star system of Adalia.
In the beginning, players will be allowed to purchase and scan their asteroids. Players will begin formulating strategies around resource management to attain the correct balance to build what they want within Influence.
Even before mining and manufacturing are implemented in Exploitation, players will be able to trade/sell their asteroids. This is because all in-game assets, including the asteroids, are built as ERC 721 tokens (NFTs). Each asteroid is unique, and its value will be tied to its locations, sizes, resource distributions, and scanned bonuses.
How will you spread your Influence?
submitted by /u/eetherway
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