Fucking bullish on Loopring

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Fucking bullish on Loopring

I am a gme shareholder since the beginning, and as soon as there was confirmed that like half of the loopring team started working at gamestop I bought a small bag, and today I swapped all my eth and btc in it because let me tell you something.. Do you know how much loyal customers gamestop has?do you know Ryan cohen? Do you know that gamestop is currently in the process of changing from an brick and mortar store into a fintech company? Do yourself the favor and get in before their partnership will get announced. Image all the fomo buyers after all the news articles about it. I won't sell before 10euros per token but you do you Have a nice day Lg also this is my first post hello guys Back into lurker mode

Edit: I want to add, do your own research

submitted by /u/yuhngG82
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