Awkward Bank Conversation and its Great Irony

Good day all!
Allow me to share with you a most awkward interaction that just occurred at the bank today. A friend had written me a check for a not insignificant sum and it was larger than the over the app deposit amount so I had to go in.
Me: Hi I'd like to deposit this check please
Teller: Yeah sure.
>He then takes the check and when he looks at the amount gets this look like I just slipped him a piece of paper telling him I was robbing the bank. Queue 10 minutes of watching him type on computer.
Me: Is something the matter?
Teller: Can you tell me what this money is for?
Me: I could but I fail to see how it is relevant.
Teller: Well it is.
Me: Okay why?
Teller: Because I don't see any transactions for this amount previously on this account
>Okay so in the guise of trying to pry in to our business you just freely revealed that the account doesn't transact this way historically. A Social Engineer would already be pleased.
Me: I fail to see how that is relevant.
Teller: Do you mind if I call this individual?
Me: Of course not. I will text him and tell him you will be calling.
Teller: Please don't do that.
Me: He will absolutely not pick up the phone for a random number and if you are not going to cash my check without talking to him its the only way he will pick up for you.
Teller: Can I see what you are texting.
Me: Most certainly not. (At this point I am quite pissed. I have been doing business with this bank for 11 or so years)
Teller: *calls friend after I text him* Proceeds to ask the amount of the check, whether it is for me, and then asks again what the money is for. I can hear my friend say over the phone "its in the memo" which has written in it 'private work.' (That is both true and also a decent joke that I hadn't seen up until that point)
Me: so can I get my check deposited please?
Teller: Yes thank you for your patience
Me: Uh huh. I know you are trying to protect people with this but there is a privacy concern when it comes to asking questions like that.
Teller: What do you mean by that?
Me: Nothing. Is there anything else?
>Teller hands me the receipt
Nothing I like more than being treated like a criminal at my own bank. I'm sure that dude made calls or notes on our respective accounts after that. The great irony is that my friend was writing me a check to pay me for cryptocurrency. Fuck banks. I can't wait to never work with one ever again.
EDIT: Yes I get that the guy was doing his job. Yes I get that the direct sale of something is a taxable event and I already pay taxes on crypto profits so I have no problem with the IRS getting its due. Yes I get that you think you can understand the tone of both of us but just think about any other business asking a question this bluntly when so far your other interaction has been "hello"
– Cell phone store: Who are you going to be calling and why?
– USPS: What are you shipping and why?
The dude straight asked to see my phone! Everyone here should stop pretending that they'd love to hand their cell over to a stranger and see it as completely normal.
submitted by /u/philter451
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