Uniswap v3 license and what it means for the broader Ethereum defi space

I was reading through the much anticipated Uniswap v3 notes here:
and I was overall pretty pumped right up until the point I reached the "License" section. If you haven't seen this yet, the TLDR is as follows:
Uniswap v3 Core will launch under the Business Source License 1.1—effectively a time-delayed GPL-2.0-or-later license. The license limits use of the v3 source code in a commercial or production setting for up to two years, at which point it will convert to a GPL license into perpetuity.
Now to be clear: I am no expert when it comes to software licenses and I completely understand WHY they would do something like this but I can't help but wonder where the Eth defi space would be today if every project was license encumbered. If everyone starts doing something similar moving forward, does it help or hurt the overall defi space? I'd really like to hear some input from people with more knowledge/experience around software licenses. Anyone?
submitted by /u/tobyalso
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