Variance in pool earnings = luck… or something else?
Most of my hashpower is dedicated to mining eth, but I wanted to diversify a bit and mine some RVN. So I allocated a 3060 FHR to mining RVN for several days. The general consensus I've read here was to not use aggregators like unmineable and to mine through a pool directly, but I'm seeing lower results through ninjapool than unmineable.
Through unmineable, mining eth with the payout in RVN, I'm getting roughly 25-26 RVN per day. Same card mining using t-rex @ ~22.5 MH/s is only getting about 18 RVN per day through ninjapool.
Is this due to nVidia cards being optimized better for Eth mining, ninjapool having a bit of an unlucky streak, ninja being a sh*tty mining pool, or something else? From what I've been able to read here, the 22.5 Mh/s appears to be on target for direct RVN mining on a 3060 FHR.
submitted by /u/PolkSDA
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