Does anyone know the cost to develop a solidity smart contract right now? And how long does it take to develop one?

I'm a junior major in software engineer, recently I've been looking to do freelance job. I accepted someone offer to do a webscraping bot for scraping NFTs price. After I've finished the bot they then offered me $1.5K and 1 month deadlinesme to develop a smart contract and accommodate it with a website to sell their NFTs. Although I know I'm inexperienced and fairly new to the field I think the offer is too cheap and it's like I'm being cheated on
Through some quick google search I found that smart contract range from $5k up to $45k but there no other information. So I'm hoping to find some answers here, if there any developer with experience in this field I would love to hear your thoughts as well
submitted by /u/Zcyts
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