I have one computer for crypto, and one for wanking.

I do this to avoid contaminating my crypto computer with viruses, keyloggers, etc. Crypto computer rarely, if ever, sees the Internet.
Some more tips:
- If you cannot afford a separate computer, and you need to visit questionable sites, you can:
- Use a virtual machine, like Virtual Box. It's free. A few other free software as well.
- Get a free Linux OS, put it on a bootable cheap USB drive, and you have a fully functional Operating System
- Use Sandboxie to create a different instance separate from your main crypto.
- DON'T click links, especially on mobile device, as you cannot hover over the word to see the real site
- Avoid using too many extensions, they can be unsafe. Turn them off, or you can create new profiles for your browser that doesn't have extensions.
Don't make these mistakes. Ask me how I know.
submitted by /u/GelDel12
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