I have 2 ETH accounts in my ledger wallet(under same seed though) can I move tokens from one acct to the other without network fees?

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I have 2 ETH accounts in my ledger wallet(under same seed though) can I move tokens from one acct to the other without network fees?

I meant to create only 1 account (to hold my matic, trac and others) but by accident I ended up creating 2 acts in the end. Yesterday I installed ledger live in a new phone and I had forgotten about the 1st acct (that already had 2 ERC20 tokens stored in it) so I allowed ledger to create the 2nd one and after i moved ETH and other ERC20 tokens from binance into my 2nd acct. Today I thought I was missing some tokens and when I dig up my notes I realized about the 1st acct so I added it to ledger live and now I can see everything I have. However now I have 2 ETH acts, one of them only has TRAC & MATIC and nothing else not even ETH, while the other one has ETH and other ERC20 tokens.

I strongly prefer to have only one ETH account and all the ERC20 tokens under it and i guess the only way I can do that is to move TRAC and MATIC (although I would need to put some ETH in it for network fees) from the 1st acct to the 2nd one and incur gas fees.

OR is there another way that I can consolidate these 2 acts into one without gas fees? If there is can u let me know?

It's a dummy mistake the one I did but how it happened it was way more complicated (what I wrote above was an overly simplified version of how the 2 acts were created) but I guess if there is a way to move funds among different ETH acts (its same 24 word seed though) within ledger live and without gas fees that would be handy for everyone to know. TYIA

submitted by /u/swindle8686
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