50 Days Since Unstaked ETH and It Hasn’t Returned to Wallet
It has been 50 days since I unstaked ETH I had staked through the Crypto.com OnChain app. The ETH has not been returned to my wallet. OnChain shows that the unstake request processed. It links a transaction for the creation of a Kiln NFT to claim to have your ETH contain. The OnChain wallet app does not display a Kiln NFT token, the presumption is that Crypto.com claims it on your behalf.
I've had the run around through support/elevations in live chat several times. Crypto.com Support claims it is a Kiln issue. Kiln support claims it is complete on their end given they processed the transaction to create the NFT which appears to be true. (https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb3b66ab6f7b81170d4705e0401a45b7018fbc8f87bc48488aee981992060e946)
At this point I can only assume Crypto.com has no way of redeeming the kiln token to return my ETH, sent it to the wrong wallet or is stealing my ETH.
Does anyone have any further suggestions? Thanks.
USA btw if there are legal action options.
submitted by /u/NerdParker
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