Surprised to hear Commerce Secretary Lutnick say: “The only thing I think I really need to do in terms of Regulations is Post-Quantum Cryptography.”
He goes on to say "A quantum computer can break all of our passwords, including CIA and RSA 2048 in a nano second."
That is certainly exaggerated, but he has gotten the memo. We are approaching the potential where keys will be broken. It will go from days, hours, and then minutes.
"The defense of it is called Post Quantum Cryptography"
"We know how to do it"
"We'll come out with a rule that says America's got to protect itself with new standards"
"Please God go put it in"
Snippet was posted on X by BitcoinNews
I had wondered what was pumping projects with quantum resistant tags to have a solid week. This just might be it.
I had also questioned if this administration would dismiss this threat, but it looks like they will be all over it.
It's very clear this is not a "Crypto Narrative". It truly is a real world problem all systems will need to prepare for.
As cryptography is central to crypto, projects will have to go through a difficult transition. This is not a backward compatible upgrade.
submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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