EIP-7805: Fork-choice enforced Inclusion Lists (FOCIL) – PEEPanEIP audio podcast is LIVE!

Join Thomas Thiery (@soispoke) , Julian Ma (@_julianma) and Pooja Ranjan (@poojaranjan19) as we break down EIP-7805: Fork-choice enforced Inclusion Lists (FOCIL)!
Tune in now: https://open.spotify.com/episode/49xfqhNq0PTSZOqocQugoP?si=qoeTEy2RRk-2CaaZXaQ5aw
FOCIL implements a robust mechanism to preserve Ethereum’s censorship resistance properties by guaranteeing timely transaction inclusion.
Podcast edited by Akash Kshirsagar (@oceansofmilk)
#FOCIL #EIP7805 #Podcast #EIP
submitted by /u/AkashKshirsagar
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