First month of trying to live off my Crypto. No meme coins or rugpulls.
A few months ago, I left my job, craving a fresh start. With a solid amount of savings, I decided it was the perfect time for a change. About a month ago, I decided that I should try “shorting” my crypto to generate income. My strategy was straightforward: trade once a day, avoid greed, and resist the urge to gamble. The goal was to get small, daily swaps that would generate reliable income.
The process itself is simple. When the market appears to be peaking, I convert all my Solana (yes, I know -boo!) into USDC, locking in the price. Then, I wait for the inevitable dip, usually within a few hours, before buying back my coins at a lower value and pocketing the difference.
I did a weeks worth of backtesting. I traced the frequency of peaks and troughs of a +-£4 per day. The average seemed to be that there were about 4 to 7 peaks in any 24 hour period. This boded well, as it meant that if I timed the trading of the coins badly, then I could try and regain some money later in the day without much risk.
On the 11th of Februry I made my first trade with a core holding of 121 Solana. This gives me a solid enough position that even a £3–£4 price drop a couple of times a week generates more than enough to cover my weekly expenses (plus fees). Below is the spreadsheet I use to track my income. For swapping, I keep everything on-wallet, exclusively using Exodus for its convenience – it lets me trade seamlessly without transferring coins off the platform and allows me to monitor the real trade price and ultimately the amount I get back.
Tomorrow will be the first profit-taking day and I will have around £2200 of income. Which is not bad, considering that the crypto market has been pretty dogshit for the entire month and that I had a couple of massive errors in judgement in the 2nd and 3rd weeks, If this were a decent market and I didn't make such silly mistakes, the income would have been in the £3800 area for the month.
I realise that this is not the "ideal" way to make a wage, but if I can keep this up, I should be able to have a yearly income of around £25,000-£30,000. Which is on par or slightly less than what I was making doing a job I hated.
submitted by /u/MartyBitchTits
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