Advices on holding

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Advices on holding

Hello guys.

My son talked about a special cryptocurrency to me. I met Charles, great guy, he said it was a good investment. I heard it was under one dollar so it's like making 100,000x gains from here if it does like bitcoin.

Anyway i bought a bag for me and my son, but it's pretty long to go up and i don't want my friend to bully me with his better gains on Doge… So i thought about using money i almost own which is national reserve money… You know it's my country so it's almost my money. At least i have been elected to take that decision…

So i'm gonna use that money to make my money grow, but can you guys give me some advices about how long i have to hold it ? Cause i already messed up with timing ; i tried to make my own coin but i only had 80% of supply, so i launched another coin with my wife name but it was way too early after my original coin. Only made few billions dollars with this move and i don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Thank you

submitted by /u/lulujaune
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