Almost all currencies are down, is this a good time to buy?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Almost all currencies are down, is this a good time to buy?

I'm completely new and this will be my first purchase ever, but I have been following for a while. So I was wondering if this is a good time to buy and if anyone has any insight or advice? I will just buy and forget, I don't intend to keep looking at it every 5 minutes to see if it has gone up or down, I want to put in like 100$ or so every month.

Also I know no one can possibly know for sure, but can/will it go even lower than now?

I'm thinking of putting in like 200$+ for now, 50% to bitcoin, 20% to etheruim and and the rest to other ones like dogs maybe or idk, what do you guys recommend?

submitted by /u/Jagoff1997
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