What problem does Ethereum solve?

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What problem does Ethereum solve?

I found this thread from Q4 last year… and wonder if there have been any advancements?

I too am looking for any real-world use cases for Ethereum, and not just community commentary around vision or Eth's potential. So far no luck. Would love your feedback if there's a project we're missing?


From /u/Historical-Apple8440 here: https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/1gywcwl/what_problem_does_ethereum_solve_2024_edition/


The technology and its platform & potential is great. I'm a believer in the vision of Ethereum. But, I am still challenged by understanding how this is applied to create value outside of small corners.

There are technical possibilities which you mention, but to date I have not seen any project reach a commercially viable state, while operating on a public ledger. In my direct experience, it makes no sense for any business to operate on a public ledger with any credibility in its space to date for a myriad of good reasons, from legal, to compliance, to intellectual property and information security, etc.

Your flair says 1% top poster, so help me help myself.

Is Ethereum in a space where it is being applied to solve tangible, specific problems – or do you think we're still in the vision + opportunity phase?

A good reference is this post from 8 months ago:


Literally a play by play for the vision, technology and platform possibilities in the main, long reply. But it's all nonsense, none of it is real.

Suppose, I am having a real crisis of belief. Hope you understand where I'm coming from. Usually in my field of work, if I ask someone "What problem does this solve" and I get a reply like "decentralized censorship free computing accessibility", that person is likely on their way out or on a PIP for being too much of an ideas person, not an execution person.

submitted by /u/ElRiesgoSiempre_Vive
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