Purr-suit of Ethereum 🐾 #2

Purr-suit of Ethereum 🐾 #2
- Ethereum Network Upgrades: Pectra Devnet5 to be launched soon. Learn about Glamsterdam, get the latest updates on the Pectra (Prague+Electra) upgrade, insights from the InterOp meeting, and highlights from ACDC/ACDE discussions.
- Breakout Room Meetings: Explore key discussions on Eth Multicall Implementers, PeerDAS, EOF Implementers, EVM Max, ePBS, and more.
- EIPs Update: Stay informed with highlights from the EIP Editing Office Hour, EIPIP meetings, and the EIP Editors Workshop, alongside the latest insights from EIPsInsight.
- Clients Updates: Catch up on the latest progress across both Execution and Consensus clients.
- Community Resources: Discover research blogs, developers thoughts, and community-driven resources to support your Ethereum journey.
- Public Goods Funding: Octant epoch 6 – Learn how your contributions may help public goods projects across the ecosystem.
Read the full newsletter here.
submitted by /u/poojaranjan19
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