Is my understanding correct of Ethereum vs Solana in terms of security?

I'm an old ETH miner back when it was around $10-20 and started to warm back up to it in recent days, having interacted on it in DeFi. I used to interact more on Solana until I realized the tradeoff and switched back to ETH and L2 rollups:
The hype surrounding Solana is the speed and transaction fees, but many don't realize the compromise they're making in terms of security. From my understanding Ethereum has over 1M validators post-EIP4488, which is significantly more decentralized in comparison to Solana's 2000~. This could open up attack vectors that could compromise validators and the security of the Solana network: DOS, validator crashes, and a single layer of data availability, consensus and execution. In paying more for gas, I'll know that security is the most important to me.
Are there any technical folks who can verify what I'm saying is correct? Thanks
submitted by /u/AccordingPlate7954
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