ALGO market cap is 3.6B, the same as in 10 April 2021. But the price is $0.44 against $1.4

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Dilution is one helluva drug. Same marketcap, but almost 70% price differences. This is the market cap chart from 2021. I picked 10 April because it has the same market cap as today: As you see, the ALGO's market cap today is very close to that amount: To reach the same price as back then, ALGO needs to go up by 300%+ to 11.7B marketcap. Holders got dumped on by the ALGO foundation and VCs. This is the same case with a lot of other VC coins from 2021 like LDO and many others. Which is why people are avoiding the new low-float high-FDV scams this cycle. Inflation is good in moderate amount, but not this much. submitted by /u/noviwu97 |