Could Quantum Resistance Make or Break Ethereum?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Could Quantum Resistance Make or Break Ethereum?

Could Quantum Resistance Make or Break Ethereum?

There is some buzz about Ethereum's bold move to address security risks of quantum computing.

It's not really that bold.

Despite the misinformation throughout the crypto space, the world is actively working on how to upgrade their cryptography.

NIST approved new standards months ago, and had been working on them for many years

Upgrading to new cryptography will be required going forward and certainly Ethereum finally understands that.

The debate used to be how long can you hold off on addressing it. Obviously existing chains, systems, etc would rather be working on other things as the article points out.

But now people are hearing about quantum everywhere.

Companies like NVIDIA, GOOGLE, AWS, IBM, MICROSOFT are all actively working on how to implement the new standards.

People pay attention to what they are working on. The Linux Post Quantum Cryptography Association includes all these companies.

And Nvidia even recently partnered with Google Quantum AI.

So, eth finally decided to stop fighting it and start working on it.

But elsewhere talking heads are not grasping the reality.

They try to push it aside calling it a narrative designed to scare people into moving funds into coins with the proper protection.

Obviously this is worldwide issue and not a crypto narrative. People want to be sure all their assets are safe, not just crypto.

And as noted, the cryptography exists, so why not start the work? I suspect we'll see more talk about how bitcoin is actively working on this as well… I hope. There are a couple BIPS but the impacts are still concerning.

Of course the transition will be hard for even for centralized companies. And even harder for existing decentralized chains.

submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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