81,000 Ravencoin Stolen today

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

81,000 Ravencoin Stolen today

I have had ravencoin since 2022 and had it stored in a ravencore wallet. 81,000 now lost and not really sure of what to do anymore, it was about 1600$ usd and it isnt a whole lot but that hurt. I have checked my computer and the only logical breach of my security may have been a bad torrent payload that stole my wallet file. Really bummed about that loss as I was finally excited to see raven going up after all this and now I am fully out of the gains. Here's the transaction that did me in https://blockbook.ravencoin.org/address/R9RDjpdAKf2fbWFveS3gwX2W6nWeQ3spro

submitted by /u/TheForsakenDev
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