Everybody gangsta until Turkish Lira outperforms their portofolio!

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Everybody gangsta until Turkish Lira outperforms their portofolio!

  • ETF has thrown this cycle out of whack. BTC is in it's own space (always has been, now with ETFs even more so), but for everything else there isn't enough liquidity to even sustain the price, let alone pump it. Rising tide lifted all boats, but now they are drowning.
  • Some narratives that ran hard (like AI) gave us false sense of bullishness. Narratives are short lived and don't represent true state of the market
  • Retail is nowhere to be seen, not surprising given the cost of living. Without retail there is no proper bull run
  • We live in a bubble, and tend to massively exaggerate any "positive" news
  • State of the market is such that serious investors are buying BTC, and whatever retail is here is buying meme shitcoins. No one cares about alts, at least not at the moment.

SOURCE: Daily thread 6/18/'24: post by u/Simke11 and the title by u/yok_mu_beni_siken

submitted by /u/cascading_disruption
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