How to secure my earnings

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How to secure my earnings

Good afternoon or any time of the day whenever you are. Writing here my cry for help? Anyway, I’m in situation where my government will be able to block my credit and debit cards when I don’t comply with them, therefore i would not be able to access my precious money, if it’s not in cash. And that wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t receive my pay from abroad, and because of this I can’t even withdraw cash without going to the bank, where the services will be denied cuz the cards gonna be blocked.

To sum everything up, what are you using either wallets, wallet apps/ cold storages and what’s your experience with the said “thing”. If you know something that you can trust and for example use as card for apple pay or something like that, please let me know. Greatly appreciate any response this will get. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Gooses-field
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