Nexo listened to their community.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Nexo listened to their community.

So tgis is something you do not hear often in crypto. Some good news! Nexo a cex, crypto lender and "staking" platforum (they let you earn interest like celcius but eithout the scetchy loaning without collateral) Not shilling just my oppinion.

Anyways they implimented a system where on loan repayment you had to pay a fee of 1% declining the rewards and increasing costs. Obviously nobody of the neco community liked this ( at least those who use the lending system) After not even 2 weeks the community made it clear they did not like the sudden change how it was implimented that it was implimented and the lack of communication

Today they send out a email to recint their afjustment an change it bskl to how it used to be. A huge win for both nexo and the community. For nexo because they show that their customers matter for crypto because there are cex that do have our snd theirs best interest in mind (long term strategy)

I just wanted to inform those who use nexo but do not follow everything.

So what do you think about this development and on nexo their responds (regardles of their mistake to impliment and the lack of communication)

(Edits, please if i spelled anything wrong just give me a reply where to correct thank you)

submitted by /u/DeathThorn6009
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