4Tb chain state, 0.2 second finalization rate, over 5k Tx a sec. What comes close?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

4Tb chain state, 0.2 second finalization rate, over 5k Tx a sec. What comes close?

Show me another chain that goes toe to toe with Internet Computer. I’ve looked at the stats of Solana (and downtime) and Cardano and Near, and nothing seems close to the speed and scope of Internet Computer. I get ecosystem accounts for a lot when devs choose a platform to build on, but this technology seems far and above the other top 20 blockchains. The AI implementation on IC is next level compared to what anyone else is doing. I’m sure since this is “pro ICP” post I’ll get downvoted, but I’m genuinely curious what other blockchains compare technologically to Internet Computer.

submitted by /u/kidhack
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