Web3 is pointless, no?

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Web3 is pointless, no?

Do anyone really understand what web3 is? Because web3 is no longer a concept or an invisible idea, though the means via which it can be fully achieved are readily available, a proper web3 platform continues to be far from reach. We can all agree that web3 is an important step in the right direction with all the media censorship and privacy infringement policies that centralized platforms continually compare their users to abide by daily, web3 can't come any sooner.

What should a proper web3 platform posses to be a truly Decentralized Social platform; Other than not stealing my date of birth and list of friends so it can bombered me with irrelevant ads? 1. Blockchain: Blockchain thus far is the most important if not most powerful tool that has helped to break the barriers of centralisation. From finance to portable cloud storages, blockchain continues to pave way for a more for a more inclusive yet censorship resistant internet. With blockchain, web3 users do not only own their data, they can also choose how they monitise or restrict access to it; that is until an evil genius design a tool that can successfully hack it in 3030. Yes, that burnt SHIB will be unburnt, so dant bet on it

  1. The Interoperability Dilemma [TID]: In the past when it was just bitcoin or eth as the main players in the blockchain field, the need for a connector or a means to transfer value across any chain without a Centralised bridge did not look like a problem. But now, there are over 1,000,000 blockchains [just exaggerating the figures here seeing this post will be referenced in 2205 when blockchain figures would have reached a billion] and the top 10 by cryptocurrency marketcap have different features that make them stand out; Like Bitcoin is well bitcoin, and carDAno just promises a low transaction fee compared to Ethereum. Now, for a web3 infrastructure to be successful, it has to have a provision that allows different blockchain users to interact within the platform without trading their preferred blockchain for another.

  2. The solution: I know what you are thinking and I am sorry if I cannot disappoint you at this stage, because durr… Yep, I am about to shill you the greatest block…. Nah… I am going to say it straight. Zetachain makes it possible to transfer value across any blockchain. Yeah, it sounds like a page out of the fairytale novel crafted for kids. But it is the truth and it is also a fairytale, there can be two truths.. Welcome to freedom of spite… ZetaChain’s interoperability solution allows anyone to transfer value say from an evm compatible blockchain like Ethereum to a non-smart contract blockchain like BTC or even Elon Musk's doge [yeah, stop arguing we are all waiting for that dude to pump it, so yeah, he owns that shiii].

Conclusion: You all wanted to be Bill Gate because he owned the internet before you,…. right? Well now is your chance to own the web and the means is available.. So stop being a coward and build that web3 so we can all finally say to Mark Suckerbird [__Insert your insalt here_]…

FYI, Bitcoin Halving was a scam.

submitted by /u/zesushv
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