Address, no outgoing transaction vs. outgoing transaction and advanced hacking

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Address, no outgoing transaction vs. outgoing transaction and advanced hacking

Dear all,

I hope this finds you well. Besides privacy and usage-security reasons, it is also said that an address derived from a seed that is not used at all with other addresses is way harder to hack – for instance with an advanced quantum computer. The reason is that from the moment one address derived from a specific seed is used to sign a transaction or message, more information is revealed that can help to find the seed or specific private key. What I struggle to understand is the following: From the moment you create a complete new seed only and only for generating one address (called B) to send funds to and not use it at all, the public key is already known as funds are transferred from an address A to this new address B. This information can be seen on the blockchain and a possible hacker can use the public key in order to hack the seed or specific private key.

So why is it said that using this procedure makes it way harder to hack compared to the case where at least one transaction or message going out of address B? Is it because the signature reveals more relevant information that, in combination with the public key, makes it stocastically relative easier to hack? Please feel free to also use technical terms and sources on an academic level.

Thanks a lot!

submitted by /u/UpperOrdinary
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