Kraken vs Binance vs Coinbase?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Kraken vs Binance vs Coinbase?

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well and in the mood to give out some advice!

I’m currently trying to put together a cheat sheet for each of the above platforms to highlight why they are good / bad and their unique selling points or the pros and cons of each.

I’m coming undone because I’ve used all of them at one point or another but I’m not really clear on what the best features of each are or where they fall short.

As such, I was just wondering if I could get your thoughts on what you think is the best platform vs the worst platform and what benefits each platform offers etc?

Why do you think one platform is better over and above another or what is it about certain platforms that make them your go to or one you wouldn’t use?

Any advise is really appreciated and I’ll owe you one!!

submitted by /u/GimmeFreeTendies
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