Identifying and Quantifying Bitcoin by Age

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Identifying and Quantifying Bitcoin by Age

Would it be possible to identify and quantify all Bitcoin minted at different times since its inception, and assign a value based on its age or minted "seniority"? Such as the older, the more valuable or… the other way around: the newer the more valuable given it's exponential minting difficulty.

In both cases a different "token of value" or "quantifiable/appraisal mechanism" would emerge, to calculate and measure differentially every bitcoin holding value.

This could reduce bitcoin to a 'collectible' of course, rather than a 'store of value' — however, it could also create a tiered market of Bitcoin, adding layers of analysis and speculation that are currently not present in the cryptocurrency market.

What's your thoughts?

submitted by /u/etherd0t
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