Urgent Help Needed: Binance Account Shutdown for U.S. Clients – Withdrawal Concerns

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Urgent Help Needed: Binance Account Shutdown for U.S. Clients – Withdrawal Concerns

Hey r/cryptocurrency community,

I'm facing a bit of a predicament and could use some advice. I recently logged into my old Binance account, only to be greeted with a message stating that all services are now shut off for United States clients. The catch? I have just one week to withdraw my funds before my account is permanently locked.

Here's where it gets tricky: My account isn't fully verified. I have about 15 different coins worth about $1.5K, and some, like TRX, don't seem to be acceptable on platforms like Coinbase or Binance.us.


  1. Will I be able to withdraw my funds without full verification?
  2. What's the best, simple, and direct approach to receive these funds, especially for coins like TRX that may not be supported on other platforms?

I'd appreciate any guidance or experiences you can share. Thanks in advance for your help!

edit Here's what my screen looks like, for what it's worth: https://imgur.com/a/X6wcRvc

submitted by /u/mobastar
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