My idiot friend is a BTC millionaire and didn’t know it

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

My idiot friend is a BTC millionaire and didn’t know it

I have this close friend who is a tech nerd. Barely leaves the house. In his mid 30s. Works in tech remotely for a global software company.

He bought BTC early, very early and didn’t thought to look it’s worth because he is a moron. An utter idiot.

He owns over a hundred fucking BTCs. And thought they were worth nothing because when he bought them they were worth nothing.

Life is not fair. This MF doesn’t even have a need to have this much money. He already lives the dream life, all stuff paid for, massive salary. And now this.

I won’t sleep tonight. Fuck crypto riches. I’m an envious cunt.

submitted by /u/GNuLLiF
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