Week 12 RCC Performance Tracker Update

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Week 12 RCC Performance Tracker Update

Week 12 RCC Performance Tracker Update

Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope you're having a Conetastic Day today! Crypto still pumping and lots of exciting things happening in our space.

I try not to let feelings dictate how I look at these updates but it just felt like this week was an important week for a few of these tokens with some big announcements and things going on. I'll go into more detail about those at the bottom.

Also, almost forgot to mention that I've added a new token! Per suggestion of u/CrossPuffs I added the Banano token to the tracker. I'll admit I'm not very familiar with this token or community so I'll have to be doing a deeper dive into that later but they've been included starting this week!

So without further adieu here's the data:

Data from last week 2.9.24:


Data from this morning 2.16.24:


  1. First thing that jumped out to me is that Cone has taken back over the top spot of that third tier. They had some huge announcements from their AMA on rCC and also from the announcement of their road map going forward that is pinned to the top of their sub. Lots of bullish news of course which has contributed to the pump and increase in sub members. If you haven't taken the time to read into that info, especially the roadmap, I would recommend doing so.
  2. Second thing is that when I was adding in Banano I had no idea where it would fall in the market cap list and I'm pretty surprised that it's above Moons and at the top of that second tier. I'll be interested to continue tracking it to see how it moves with the rest of these.
  3. A couple weeks back I talked about Donut would be moving to the Arbitrum One chain and I wanted to see how that would effect things. Earlier this week they started shuttling a few of the Donuts over from Gnosis to Arbitrum. They've dropped a bit since last week but I don't think the move has been enough to show any impact of that yet. Will something I follow in the coming weeks though. Still patiently waiting on mine to get the shuttle ride haha!
  4. GONE has been a bit of a surprise to see drop from last week. They've had some pretty bullish news/announcements as well. So I was expecting to see a bit of a pump but maybe it's been more of a sell the news situation instead at this point. They announced their upcoming GoneDex and are really making a push to get on a CEX.
  5. Final thing I'll bring up is regarding the fourth tier here. TACO made the move again to pass Plunger but Plunger not going down without a fight. Everybody in the fourth tier picked up MC except POOP (which I think was overdue for a small correction anyways) and MIKO. I feel like every time I do these updates I'm waiting to see Plunger take the final dive off a cliff but so far it hasn't happened yet.

That's all I've got for now, thanks for taking a read. I'll do something I do with my students, if you've read down this far post the funniest meme you can find in the comments to give everyone some laughs. If you see anything I've missed or want to bring up another point please drop it in the comments as well! I appreciate you all so much!

submitted by /u/jimfird
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