For a 2of3 multisig wallet, is a 3 hardware key setup significantly more secure than 1 hot wallet and 2 hardware keys?

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For a 2of3 multisig wallet, is a 3 hardware key setup significantly more secure than 1 hot wallet and 2 hardware keys?

I'm setting up a multisig wallet on (formerly Gnosis) to store my Ethereum long term. At the moment I'm thinking of setting it up as 2 of 3 signers: one hot wallet (generated with gnosis's own app) with two hardware keys. But it got me to wondering just how secure I would consider a seed phrase generated on my phone is.

This obviously comes down to opinion, but:

  1. Would you consider 3 hardware keys to be worth the hassle to secure all your holdings on a multsig wallet; or,
  2. Do you believe a hot wallet generated by the Safe App to be reasonably safe enough not to worry about it?

Interested in opinions here. Appreciate any insight.

submitted by /u/RelevantStarfoxQuote
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