Backpage bitcoin

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Backpage bitcoin

Hey yall!

Idk anything about cryptocurrencies but a long time ago I had a backpage account with bitcoin on it.

I just tried to get on my old backpage account after hearing how much they’re going for right now and found out that it’s been seized by the government.

it literally makes me sick knowing theyre out there and how much money I could have because of that.

Are they gone forever? I’m assuming they are but it’s worth a shot to see if there’s anything I can do to recover them.

Any information would be appreciated and please don’t attack me for asking, it would be life changing for me if I could recover them.

Thanks again in advance for any help regarding this.

Love to all of you, happy trading 🩷

submitted by /u/Ohyourichrichh
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