Possible Ethereum use case.

What’s lovely about Ethereum or the idea of crypto is that it will be around for a really long time.
I just watched a video of a women cleaning off a strangers tombstone. She went over the persons story and his life. He was born during the 1850s and died in the 1920s. It was a really nice video.
I think we all want to be able to be remembered by our future generations and for what we all did during our lives. It serves as a noble reminder for those of us know looking at the humble lives our ancestors lived. Yes obituaries are preserved online but they are preserved on servers and by companies that could be long gone in just a few decades. They might cease to exists.
What do you think about preserving your legacy and your place in history by publicly putting it on the black chain?
I don’t think this will be the use case that brings people to crypto but I think it’s something that will be used once they are here after they see the value of it.
submitted by /u/Instantbeef
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