Info on Crypto Rug Pulls

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Info on Crypto Rug Pulls

I’m looking for anyone who’s been involved in a rug pull (liquidity drained, treasuries stolen, token allocations sold and embezzled, or even just a token that offered an illegal ICO). This constitutes wire fraud at the least and securities fraud at the worst. Only US based and developed crypto only so we aren’t dismissed like LUNA was. I understand investing has risk, but many of us were blatantly scammed and defrauded with false narratives being sold to us while whales and founders dumped on us.

The name of the token is a good start, but any other information you have regarding the leaders of the project and any other pertinent details would be great to add also.

With tokens like SafeMoon and HelbizCoin moving forward in their lawsuits, I want to work with a class action firm to start perusing others. If I can start working on piecing these things together on my own, a class action firm might want to work with me with how much money is in this, and that is the line of work I’d like to try and pursue next.

I’m a no named schmuck involved in a rug pull like the rest of you, but I want justice for those of us who were unfortunate enough to believe in something. No guarantees for anything, but I want to at least start trying.

submitted by /u/OmgJosh925
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