Learning to code. The start of my journey

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Learning to code. The start of my journey

Never developed anything in my life, don't even know any language. Learnt a little in school in the early 00s. So here I am, might as well learn solidity instead of some other language, seeing as they are all different in their own way. 4 Udemy couses, 3 books: hands on smart contract development with solidity and eth, mastering solidity beginners guide to smart contract programming, mastering bitcoin. One never ending cup of coffee. And a goal. 1 month in and my mind is racing. I am approaching this as I did anything in uni. Repetition, notes and more repetition. Learning small amount of code, smart contract deployment, and having that feeling of learning something and building. Months and years to go. The journey has only just began. Just wanted to share.

submitted by /u/mottlymonical
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