Why Moons are better than BAT, PRE, and SLP. IMO…

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Why Moons are better than BAT, PRE, and SLP. IMO…

… to earn crypto while being on the internet.

First, this is based on $ USD gains, my experience and AVG. numbers found on internet, not in the actual use or technical aspects of each token. I selected this token because those are the one I know you can earn while browsing internet, if you know of others please let me know. Numbers can vary

Now for those who don't know:

BAT (Basic Attention Token) is a token used and earn while using Brave Browser. Basically you see an ad pop up on your screen and you get a revenue for that. You can also use it to tip creators in multiple platforms

PRE (Presearch) think of Google, but a decentralized search engine. You get PRE tokens by using their engine and can also use them to publish ads on their search results.

SLP (Smooth Love Potion) are the rewards to Axie Infinity players, and used to multiple things on the game.

So, the numbers…

With a current market cap of $252,292,920 and according to the internet the avg, user of BAT was earning around $7.5 usd per month in april or 5 to 7 BAT (or $1usd at today's price) by setting the ads to the max per hour and a regular use of 8 hrs a day. In my case, I use brave daily and probably the 8 hours, also with the max setting for ads, and I avg. less than 1 BAT per month. At ATH I think I would be earning $2 – $4 usd tops, assuming I also earn more BAT

PRE has a market cap of $9,016,766 (ATH was 175M) and gives you tokens as reward by using their engine, is capped at 25 daily rewarded searches. Since their use has been declining, so have the rewards. I don't have the number of when and how much was the highest but right now is .01 PRE. That's .25 PRE daily or .005 cents at today's price ($0.17 usd monthly, or $6 usd at ATH)

Thing is with PRE, you need 1000 PRE to be able to claim your rewards. I don't remember since when I have been using it, I was about 2-3 months away to be able to claim the 1k tokens, but now with the reduction of rewards it would take at least 1 more year (if not 2) …. to claim $23 usd, or $800 usd at ATH. I guess I better spend $5 rn to claim the 1000 PRE and do more stuff with that.

SLP is the reward fo Axie Infnity players. I don't play it, so I don't have actual numbers and isn't exactly browsing the internet and you have to invest, but I remember this one had hype because users where making good money playing. What I found is that you kinda have a a guarantee of 75 SLP per day, that's $3.5usd per month or $800+ at ATH? (I'm thinking something is wrong there, but not sure)

Now with Moons we have a market cap of $30,168,005 and the avg of moons earn is 68, at today's price that's $19usd per month. A lot more % than the other 3 even if you combine them. We recently had an ATH of .57usd, that would make the avg. of $38 usd per month, excluding SLP, again not BAT or PRE compete with Moons.

Now if Moons had today's market cap of BAT, that could put the price above $2 and easily the avg earn could be above $100 per month. Not bad for just posting on reddit. And also moons have lot less users than BAT, imagine if we could attract that many users! That's why I think moons are better and have a brighter future, it can easily provide users with a small income, and we already seeing it, is not rare to read comments about users making good money, even more than their current jobs.

So, if you are here to make some easy and small $, moons is the way IMO. Good thing you can use all of them at the same time.

tl;dr: Moons to the moon.

submitted by /u/xMagox
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