CZ isn’t your friend nor should he be considered “trustworthy” because he runs Binance and this sub needs to stop acting like he is.
Whenever the conversation comes up around Binance there are sure to be CZ apologists who put an insane amount of trust or faith in what /u/cpzhao says. The sub has been through this before multiple times with crypto figureheads in the last year and a half and it's honestly insane, that we are still doing it.
This post does not say that Binance or Binance US are (or aren't) in any meaningful trouble that's a different conversation. This post is simply saying stop putting so much blind trust in the word of Centralized figureheads of Crypto Corporations, we've been through this over and over – when push comes to shove it almost always turns out poorly. submitted by /u/GabeSter |