Reddit coins show what is possible with CBDCs

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Reddit coins show what is possible with CBDCs

I see a surprisingly non-zero amount of people on this sub who are either neutral or quietly supportive of CBDCs. They think of the “convenience” and stick their head in the sand regarding consequences. Saying things like: – They’d never turn MY money off – They’d only seize funds from the “baddies” – They’d never put an expiry date on my money

Look what just happened. Money will be turned off if not spent in the next ~ 2 months. Sure it’s only Reddit coins, it’s honestly no big deal. Everyone here is having a bit of fun spending them.

But the power of a centralized controller of the coins is on display for all to see. No debate, no voting, no public hearings, just a decision made behind closed doors and subsequent declaration by fiat.

This is why I’m opposed to CBDCs. The mechanism of power is literally the same. The rules able to be changed just as quickly and as easily. For Reddit coins, no big deal… but if you were told that you must spend all of your bank account in the next 2 months… surely one can see the problem inherent.

I’d like to thank Reddit for this benevolent demonstration as to why we must resist CBDC implementation.

submitted by /u/The-Francois8
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