Hey RVN miners, me again, check out the latest test results.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Hey RVN miners, me again, check out the latest test results.

This is the result I got 7 days ago in case you don't know. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ravencoin/comments/14k19gt/hey_rvn_miners_stop_mining_at_2miners/

This week, f2pxxl gave miners the most, the Daily Average Revenue is 0.562034 RVN M/s, far more than others. The second is nanopxxl 0.527789 RVN M/s, then 2Miners 0.519534 RVN M/s, flypool 0.482156 RVN M/s, I got the result before flypool was shutdown yesterday, bad pool luck maybe?

Is anyone joining in the testing? Ravenminerpool and Kryptex have not been tested yet.

submitted by /u/Initial_Concept_6456
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