How much transparency should be permissible for security reasons?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How much transparency should be permissible for security reasons?

Given the new complaints presented to Binance and CoinBase and they have to be the most transparent that is possible to fulfil the investigation of the S.E.C . And what seems to me as and organized attack on the crypto community subsequently forcing out crypto . My main concern is about the security if a precedent forces all projects to give exact address and vendors and internet and email and sms providers , could incite a possible attack or hack of those systems. Also I think its unfair to force such transparency when the biggest companies in the world only have to be transparent only 3 times a year. Just an honest opinion. I know its all for the best but we if had a decent road to regulation without causing security risks i think we would all win.

submitted by /u/Sunnys_World
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