What does your ideal hardware wallet look like?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What does your ideal hardware wallet look like?

In light of all the recent events with hardware wallets and potential suspectibility to firmware/software updates and their possible issues, what are your must haves in the next generation of hardware wallets? No doubt companies are brainstorming and engineering the next gen, which should hopefully appease the masses.

My wishlist

  • Open source
  • Secure element 6+ — I've seen the Ngrave Zero has a level 7 rated element, which is the highest in the industry, but I am also trying to keep costs in check, it is very expensive
  • Multi-asset support — we all love bitcoin, but some of us are serious degens too
  • Large screen – but e-ink would be ideal for battery life
  • Long lasting battery, removable too would be a bonus, like the Keystone Pro
  • Multi platform functionality, I want it to work perfectly across Windows, IOS, Android, etc.
  • Air gapped, I love the new tech with QR code signing, with my Ledger I have to plug into the computer to interact with it.

How about you guys?

edit formatting


  • Let's say under $150 too

submitted by /u/beerbaron105
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